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Lipstick Domme
Lipstick Domme Journal

(x-posted from my LJ)

Good morning, all! Yesterday my buahmbie and I went to the AT&T store and got me a new android cell phone. I was using something much lower-tech, and I feel like I am part of the cool kids group now. Then we went to Michaels and I got some more paint and art supplies. I am so glad I started painting again. I feel more fulfilled, and it is nice to be creative away from the computer and the telephone for a change.

Then I decided I was in the mood for Nutella and something really really garlic-y for dinner. I swear, being off cigs is like being pregnant, as far as food cravings go. So I am enjoying what I can now, because my NutriSystem order ships on June 6th, and then it’s Back to Bland, for me~

Finally, buah did some hypnosis on me to help with my cig withdrawals (and my overall mood). I found it very relaxing, and we both went to sleep right after, when it was only about 8pm.

So far I have $500 saved up towards my new laptop, thanks to some very sweet boyz.

$300 more and I will be getting a MacBook Air! Like I’ve said before, the overall cost will be more than $800, but I will just get the laptop once I have $800 in gift certs. So send $25, $50, $100, or more and let’s get this show on the road. After all, we have to start getting me some new jewelry and start saving for Bermuda.

Also, here are the most current stats on the TalkSugar contest. As you can see, you boyz have been rocking it for me, but my competitors can be sneaky. Please refrain from allowing my heart to shatter into a thousand little pieces. Do the joining thing, so I can use my $2,000 prize towards my Bermuda vacation. Remember I always put ITALY in caps? Well Bermuda will always be in bold.

Not sure what the plan for today will be. Tomorrow I should be back to taking calls, so figure out when you are going to hit me up for some mind fucking and cock control. Hope you all have a great Tuesday~

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