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Lipstick Domme
Lipstick Domme Journal


Hey boyz and gurlz. So, since the last amazon gift certificate update, I received $100 more, which brings the current total to $600. I also got one more signup on TalkSugar, which made me $35 through the affiliate program and brought me to 21 points. Better than nothing, right?

BARELY. I am so disappointed about how slow you are being about getting me a measly $800 towards my new laptop since my last one was stolen. I was nice enough to make this a community project, rather than demanding the full cost from just one of you. It’s been almost a *month* since I first requested gift certs for a new laptop, and I am at only $600? Lame.

Meanwhile, I may have gone up one point in the TalkSugar contest, but the girl below me went up THREE points. I can’t believe you guys look at my websites every day, admiring my images and my words, my creativity and my strength, my intellect and my lifestyle; drooling over me and pretend-worshiping me, just to skim right the fuck over my DEMANDS as if I am not talking to YOU.

Regular sales, however, have been sky-rocketing. Every day, I see you boyz ansd gurlz going ape-shit over my erotic hypnosis mp3s and fetish clips, spend spend spending it all on your wanky-wank material. That’s perfectly fine, sweeties, but how about you take your hand off your pecker for just a sec and give a rats ass about what I want?

Listen, I don’t need your frigging $800 for a laptop. Nor do I need the $2,000 TalkSugar prize. The thing is that I WANT them. And I am DEMANDING you to get moving on these tasks so that I can chill the fuck out and enjoy my weekend like a GODDESS should.

*ahem* So do that.

I am pleased with your recent purchases, and with how you have been calling my expensive lines on NiteFlirt and TalkSugar for sessions. I am also pleased with the boyz and gurlz who *have* come through for me and obeyed my commands. For these reasons, my blog here remains pink, rather than black.

I will be taking calls today, and tomorrow I will have company for a couple days.


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