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Lipstick Domme Journal

Clifford the Compulsive Masturbator Needs Your Help

Guys and gals, dominants and submissives, fetish freaks and vanillas, Clifford the Compulsive Masturbator needs your help. He has had a *totally* fucked up life and has a serious sexual addiction illness. He really needs to be locked up in a residential treatment facility where his compulsions can be strictly monitored and regulated. He asked me to share his e-mail address with you so that you can write to him. He needs to be consistently reminded that he has a real problem with a severely abnormal amount of diddling.

It needs to get to the point where it is IMPOSSIBLE for him to ever go into denial mode, because he needs to hit rock bottom before he will commit himself to a mental health clinic for people with SEVERE SEXUAL ADDICTIONS. He seriously masturbates himself from morning to night and has so many orgasms per day that it causes him to experience a great deal of physical pain in his genitals.

So here is his e-mail address: compulsivesexaddict@yahoo.com

He does not seem to be a danger to anyone but himself; he just looks at porn all day long with his hand around his dick, masturbating to painful orgasm after painful orgasm. Write to him with whatever you want. Maybe you share his suffering. Maybe you are a mental health professional. Maybe you are a Domme who wants to laugh at him or spit on him or something. Either way, he wants to hear from you. Maybe our interventions will get him to take the steps toward the help he needs, and he will get that help ONLY through long-term residence in a psychiatric ward for severely compulsive diddlers and chronic sex addicts.

Thanks for reading.


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