Catch me today (Thursday) or tomorrow (Friday). As always, you can see my availability on the phone domination page.
Because I will be *crazy busy* for the next week or so, you will have to get your Goddess Lycia fix via my erotic hypnosis mp3s and fetish clips. As far as service goes, make sure you vote daily for me every day, as it is explained in this blog entry. Also, the TalkSugar contest is almost over and it is *super important* to me that you do this (deleted). Seriously, get over whatever your blockage might be and make a Goddess happy. The 2k I win is going to pay for my round trip to Hawaii.
In other news, I took a break from collage-making but plan to return with more skill than before, thanks to some how-to books I’ve been reading. I have been adding tons of inspirational imagery to my Pinterest; feel free to look at the things I like. Also, I started using the Facebook account I set up forever ago, at least sometimes. Feel free to add me there. I am *most* active on Twitter than I am anywhere else… and I am pretty generous with my random thoughts and images, so all fans *must* follow me there. MUST!
Oh, I didn’t even write about the two newest sites I made!
First is Erotic Hypnosis Sessions, which I made as a NiteFlirt affiliate. I will only feature THE most skilled Femdom Hypnotists on NiteFlirt there.
Also, check out the cute-as-heck Financial Fetish toplist and all the exquisite Femdommes listed there.
Okay, sweeties. Serve me well. I promise it will make YOU a more successful and well-balanced person, if you choose to think correctly and place your focus on pleasing your beautiful, intelligent, creative, ambitious Goddess.
Thank You for the update Goddess Lycia; it is nice to learn more about You.