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Lipstick Domme
Lipstick Domme Journal

Good thing I have you boyz…

So like, today I was in *such* a good mood. Everything seemed to be coming together in such a nice way, which felt super awesome, especially after a weird previous month. I went to the store to run a super quick errand, and came back to find my house had been burglarized! Super lame.

It really could have been much, much worse. My cats are all okay (thank GOODNESS), and I still have most of my stuff. The burglars were obviously in a rush, and I imagine they were young. They took both of my jewelry boxes (which were filled with mostly silver jewelry), my HP Pavillion laptop (which was sitting out charging, and on which I just today spent $60 for Virus protection- -ugh), and one of my Eagle Creek suitcases (which contained 200 in euro, my Nikon Coolpix camera, my Sony Walkman MP3 player, and some other stuff).

I was really calm about the whole thing. My neighbors came over and were totally surprised at how chill I seemed. I called the cops, waited several hours for one to arrive, and filed a report.

My jewelry boxes and jewelry were more decorative than truly valuable. My laptop was an appreciated electronic item, but its screen was way to freaking glossy, and I could only use it in a really dark room if I wanted to see wtf I was doing on it. And anyway, all the items are replaceable in some way or another. Especially because of YOU BOYZ *kiss*

See my wishlist button to the left? Well I want to get that Macbook Pro, so use the gift certificate link to send contributions to my e-mail. And I would also like the iPod. Basically, I will just be upgrading laptop-wise and MP3-player-wise. And then down the road we will work on new jewelry boxes and jewelry. *kisskisskiss*

Anyway, totally maintaining a positive attitude. Don’t get me wrong, I am a material girl and love STUFF. But I always maintain the philosophy that I am not the car I drive, I am not the contents of my wallet, I am not the things I own, and I will never let the things I own own me.

But I still want lots of gift certs sent PRONTO. So do that now, plz.

Much love and multiple kissies~


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