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Lipstick Domme
Lipstick Domme Journal

Hey boyz

I don’t think I’ve logged on for calls all week… been busy busy. Enjoying my new gym membership, going to the salon, collecting gifts from money slaves, spending time with friends. Luckily, I have made so many erotic hypnosis MP3s and fetish clips that I do not need to sit at home taking calls. You boyz are just constantly buying more and more of the material I have already created! ~smiles~

In case you missed it on my Twitter, the photos below convey the current status of my fingernails and toezies. My fingernails are gray (in shellac paint), and my toezies are gray with a bit of gray glitter. This October (and for Halloween season, generally) it is considered stylish to wear black, gray, and purple nail colours. I pay attention to the trends, but only dabble in them if they fit with my own aesthetic. And well, I love Halloween and unconventional nail polish colours; so I am perfectly happy.

I am going to be dressed in steampunk style for Halloween. I know it’s so popular that it makes some people nauseated, but I do not care. I am already having fun putting my costume together, and plan to look smashing 🙂

buah is visiting tonight, and we plan to go hiking in the mountains tomorrow. My phone lines will be on and off all day! Phone Domination

G. Lycia

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