loser: Hi Goddess, I bought your “no more cummies” mp3 a while ago and i’ve been listening to it and after listening again tonight, I really can’t get anywhere near an orgasm
loser: so i’m beggin you, may I please make cummies?
Lycia Storm: *thinks*
Lycia Storm: you have to *earn* cummies. So you must send a tribute in order to be granted permission
(he asks how much and where to send, and I tell him)
loser: yes Goddess
loser: I really want to be a good boy for you
Lycia Storm: good. that’s exactly what you ought to be.
Lycia Storm: hurry up please; I do not like waiting for loserz
loser: sent Goddess
Lycia Storm: good
Lycia Storm: now you have My Divine Consent to make Cummies
loser: thank you so much Goddess
loser: it’s amazing, I was just getting sick thinking about it before
Lycia Storm: that makes sense. It is BAD to even THINK about squirting without permission. But now you have it, so you may have a Fantastic Cummie. But this permission is for this time only.
Lycia Storm: you have to keep listening
Lycia Storm: and then ask whenever you want to cummie again
loser: yes Goddess, I understand
loser: is there a particular way that you would like me to make cummies?
Lycia Storm: *thinks*
Lycia Storm: Yes, I would like you to have an image of me on your computer. I would like you to stand on your tip-toes in front of it as you diddle, and I would like you to snort as you cummie. Let the cummies go into your hand, and then splat them upon your face.
loser: thank you Goddess
loser: I will do that now
Lycia Storm: ok, and leave it on your face
loser: sleep with it on my face?
Lycia Storm: *thinks* Yes. wash it in the morning
loser: yes Goddess, I will do that
loser: I just cannot refuse
Lycia Storm: good
loser: thank you again Goddess
Lycia Storm: welcome!
(a few moments pass)
loser: omg that was amazing
loser: I am now going to sleep with cum all over my face
loser: goodnight Goddess
Lycia Storm: nite nite
loser has signed out. (10/1/2011 12:12 AM)