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Lipstick Domme
Lipstick Domme Journal


Hello Goddess,

I purchased a few of your recordings over the last couple of weeks.
These are by far the very most effective recordings I have ever
listened to. You are as powerful and effective as you are sexy.

Remember to forget is really awesome and Hose, Stockings, Ruffle Socks
has left me with a real problem. I’m really horny and I can’t stop
surfing for pics/videos of women wearing hose, but I can’t ‘relieve’
myself. I’m too embarrassed to go shopping for a pair of hose for
myself. I really want too, but I may explode before I get up the
courage to go… HELP!!!

I’m going to continue to listen to these files dispite the fact that
you’re killing’ me… lol


Dedicated and in trouble…

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