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Lipstick Domme
Lipstick Domme Journal

Popping in before sleep

Hey mooshkas! Just going to write a bit to help myself get sleepy. It’s 4am here, and I don’t feel tired enough to sleep. But I have to wake up by 11am today. I have salon appointments each day for the rest of this week, and then a photo shoot that will span the entire weekend.

I haven’t been taking calls lately, or writing any scripts for audio files. I am lucky to make enough money from my already-made files selling each day. Plus, I have money slaves who tribute me daily. So it hasn’t been a necessity for me to work.

What I’ve mostly been doing is reading and writing. I am reading lots of memoirs, self-help books, and guides for writers. So far I have about 30k words written in my memoir, which I plan to work on until it is perfect enough to send to actual publishers. I’ve had my writing published before, and would rather get published by a reputable publishing company than self-publish, but I will self-publish if it comes down to that. I imagine I’ll be working on this book for a year or so.

I’m a bit apprehensive to have my memoir out there for my slaves and fans and haters and…everyone to read. It contains more depth and honesty about myself than I’ve ever presented online. There are lots of dark patches in my life that I just didn’t feel my online followers needed to know about. But in my memoir, I’m telling it all. How I became me.

Now I remember why I stopped writing for so long, when it used to be my dream to be a full-time, professional author. Because if I am writing about myself on a deep level, I have to go to some dark places, and it is not particularly comfortable. And then in editing, I have to visit all the same dark places over and over again. It’s just what happens when I get down to the nitty-gritty of all that my life has been. And I don’t want to keep my memoir surface-level.

Anyhow, my upcoming photo shoot will be a way for me to express myself in a more comfortable way; a welcome distraction. I can’t tell you what the theme will be, but I know it will sell tons. It’s going to be artistically beautiful and highly erotic.

Am I tired yet? Not quite tired enough. I’m going to read for a bit and hope to pass out soon. Maybe tonight I will take a call or two.

*multiple kissies*

Goddess Lycia

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